
Aliasgar Shaikh
4 min readMar 5, 2022

It’s a thing which we all lack in common, only a few people on this planet can imply this word in their lifestyle. So today in this blog we’ll see how it’s possible.

Positive mindset, positive thinking, the positive energy which comes within, all these positivities where does it comes from?!. We all know the fact that positive thinking leads to progress but when it comes to the real-life application only a few of us can achieve that. The world today is of social media, there’s negativity everywhere, but it’s all about how to deal with it. That’s what matters. Let’s say for example you are going to start something really good which you truly believe is gonna work well but there’s a loud voice coming from inside of you which tells you, you are gonna fail, somethings bad gonna happen, etc etc, which makes you doubt yourself, your talent at which you are pretty good enough but now you have started believing to that voice which most of us hear very often, which downgraded your confidence and now you are stressed. But the real question is where the hell this voice is coming from and why the heck this comes every time when we are going to start something or do something new.

I think this voice is the memory of something related or closely related to what you think about or what you have heard about or what you have seen or maybe experienced it by yourself in a negative manner. Let me explain this to you by continuing the same example, after you thought you are going to start something really good which you are very confident about and this voice appears suddenly and now you’re doubting yourself and lost your confidence to a great extent. This is because you may have seen, experienced a failure, or maybe the same thing which you wanted to start or maybe a thing with which you can relate. And that’s the reason now this voice inside your head is recollecting that memory from the past and ruining your present and making you doubt yourself about the future. You are ruining your present by thinking about the future which has not happened yet. So basically you are ruining your day by thinking about something which doesn’t exist. But what if this goes the other way round. For example, imagine, you have never ever, seen, heard, and experienced a failure in your whole life and now think of starting something new, is the same voice bothering you again?. Ahhh wait, ill tell you, you failed in the first place itself. You were not able to imagine a real-life scenario without seeing, hearing, or experiencing a failure and that’s what I wanted to tell you guys.

There will be a failure around you. Sometimes you will hear it from someone, about someone, sometimes you will see it by yourself and some times you may experience it on your own, you may fail during a process but it’s all about how you deal with it and you must take it in a positive manner. This is where the real deal comes. You must train yourself, your mind to deal with things positively, whether it’s a failure of someone else bothering your confidence or whether you may be suffering from a failure by yourself. You need to learn and master to take things positively and move on to the next step.

The world is full of negativity but it has a lot of positivity inside, which we can’t see with shades of negativity covering our eyes. Dump that glasses off, change the way you think, start to deal with things and tackle every situation positively and you will feel the difference within you.

Life is a test, with a lot of ups and down in it. You may go through the worst sometimes and you may live the happiest day of your life some time. But that voice is never gonna stop in either situation. Negativity is all over but positivity lies inside you. Life is too short for bad vibes. Be positive and then spread that positivity within you to others who may need it very eagerly in their life. Spread positivity as much as you can, and live with peace.

